coming soon in 2025....

Creative Native Graphics Online store

Thank you to everyone that has asked "how can I purchase your awesome hoodies and t-shirts online???" and has been patient...

for the last several months, i have been dedicating thoughts on how to get my online store back up with my creative native graphics custom t-shirts and hoodies. because each of my creations are different from one another - hand painted backgrounds and then silk screened designs that I individually create in house - proved to be an obstacle time wise with editing and uploading each creation into my store... i had to think of another way!

To get those silky smooth finishes, I also cure on contact with a heat press for 30 seconds each layer with teflon sheets. each piece has at least 4-8 layers just for the front. then you have the back which is 1-2 layers, then the sleeve at 1 layer. This is at minimum.

It has taken me since april of 2022 to the preent to learn my own style with unconventional ways of silk screen printing. I silk screen print like a fine artist, not necessarily like a standard silk screen printer. Fair warning. lol.

2023 and now in 2024 has been a very successful learning experience and i thank everyone who has contributed in helping my small business grow. i have been traveling quite a bit as a vendor at various pow wows and big times and even some non-native events and i only hope that i can continue to be inspired and to inspire others.

Thank you so much!

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